To achieve work-life balance and bring colleagues and families closer, BXB arranges family day every year. Last year, we reserved the entire movie hall, which was highly praised by BXB’s staff and families. Thus, we continue holding the movie day this year. On September 29th, we gathered at MLD Cinema, had the snack, and watched movie <We Are Champions>, the first Taiwanese movie with the theme of High School Basketball League. The inspiring and emotional story touch many staff’s heart, unabling to stop the tears.
Belle (international sales): It’s not only my first time joining the family day but my first time of BXB’s activity. I was so happy to spend my time with everyone. It was really interesting to see all the colleagues and their families. To be honest, when I saw the movie’s title <We Are Champions>, I didn’t have much interest. However, during the movie, I was so touched by the story, seeing people trying hard to achieve one goal and putting so much efforts no matter how terrible the situation was. It made me recall many good memories of my school life. Last but not least, thanks to BXB’s employee welfare committee holding the great activity for us!
Stacy (Marketing Specialist): I’ve participated in BXB’s family for many years. This is the second time of movie day. I, the moviegoer, join this day for sure. With colleagues and their family members, the atmosphere of the theater becomes more lively and warmer. I didn’t have much expectation to the movie <We Are Champions> due to its sport-related theme. However, I discovered that the movie is also involved with the relationship of brothers as well as father and son, making me shed tears! I wish BXB could hold the movie day every year. It’s the great activity to enrich everyone’s mind.

Patrick (Project Engineer): This is my first time joining BXB’s family day. In the past, I thought this kind of activity is for families not for a single person like me. However, we were going to watch a Taiwanese movie this time, I thought it’s a great chance for me to join this activity for the very first time. Surprisingly, I found that all the families of each colleague are very familiar with each other. All the kids played together, and all the family members also chatted with each other like old friends. The movie we watched this time, <We Are Champions>, is an awesome Taiwanese movie. The story includes the family topics, the emotions between brothers, the campus love and also the basketball teamwork. Thanks our employee welfare committee for arranging the wonderful family day every year. I am very looking forward to the next family day!
Winni (Manager of Finance Department): I’m so glad to have a warm time with colleagues and family on this movie day. The movie <We Are Champions> is an inspiring movie. The part I strongly resonate to is that the main actors still persevere at their belief, “If only we never give up, we would get the chance to change!”, even though they confront great difficulties. Moreover, the relationship of father-son and brothers touched me a lot, making me shed the tears. Finally, I appreciate BXB’s employee welfare committee and the voluntary staff, you all make this day meaningful!

May (General Affairs Personnel): This is my first time joining BXB’s family day. Due to my curiosity to how the family day would be, I took my family here. I supposed that there wouldn’t be too many colleagues coming because it was held during the weekend. However, I met lots of people, perceiving how strong BXB’s cohesion is. To the movie, <We Are Champions>, I saw the spirit of the basketball team- never give up. It encourages me that if I stick to what I want, my dream would come true someday! Thanks BXB for holding this activity and selecting this great movie!